Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Packing Interruptus

I started cleaning out my DVR recordings tonight to ensure I would have enough space for new recordings while I am gone. I came across an ABC special I have saved for research on The Holy Land. I am now watching Christiane Amanpour travel through the area in her "Back to the Beginning" special...packing will have to wait.

One segment is on Moses and the Exodus. There are some great statements made on the seekers of freedom. The Israelites are not the only ones to seek freedom. America was founded on the basis of freedom yet freedom has not been experienced by all throughout our history. Blacks, immigrants, homosexuals, Muslims, and others have faced persecution in "the land of the free". I really wonder what God would say about the US. Are we the land of the "Israelites" or are we the occupying "Egyptians"?

Now back to packing for a land where the climate is more unpredictable than Mississippi in March.

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