Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Holy Land Preparations

Holy land trip

As I prepare for my trip to Israel and Jordan in just a few days it has occurred to me how much previous trips have prepared me for this one. Here is a short list...

Visiting the Holocaust museum in D.C.
Seeing the prison cell of Peter in Rome
Visiting The Vatican several times
Taking communion from a chip 'n dip plate in San Francisco
Being at Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland (supposed burial site of Pontius Pilate) on Easter Sunday
Attending Palm Sunday Mass at Notre Dame in Paris
All the years Chi Rho took us to churches throughout the U.S.
Attending Good Friday service at Westminster in London
Walking through Ephesus, Patmos, and Athens
Visiting Dachau (Jewish concentration camp)
Walking through the Holy Doors of the Vatican on my first trip to Italy in 2000.

The most important preparation has been being a member of Crossgates UMC for 23 years. I will carry the teachings of many great ministers and Sunday School teachers with me on this journey.

I cannot wait to land in THE Holy Land in 3 short days!

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