Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jordan Day 2

We began the day by traveling through the desert stopping for pics at a Crusader castle along the way.

We made it to Madaba to visit Mt Nebo where Moses viewed the Promised Land before dying. If you remember from the Old Testament Moses was not allowed to enter Israel.

We continued on Amman, which is the capital city of Jordan. To say it like the Jordanians do simply say my name without the "da". I was born to live here :-)

Amman is a thriving city with extremely nice people. In fact Jordan is much like Mississippi in that everyone is made to feel at home. Please, please, please visit this amazing country if you get the chance. They are welcoming and accommodating to all tourists. We stopped at a shop in Madaba today that is run by two of the Jordanian Queens. They employee the handicapped citizens. They had beautiful mosaics that are each handmade and unique. Margie purchased an amazing table for her porch. I purchased a tile to be displayed in my kitchen now and installed in any future renovations. We'll treasure this land every time we view these pieces.

Tomorrow we visit the place of Jesus's baptism in the Jordan River. We were supposed to visit another desert castle but our amazing tour guide worked this out for us instead. Seriously...Jordan has rolled out the red carpet. I invite you all to share it's wonders.

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