Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Today we traveled by ferry from Helsinki. Finland to Talinn, Estonia. Estonia has a varied history including being under Denmark (following a takeover during the 12th century Crusades), Germanic, and U.S.S.R. control. In the 1860's Estonia began a revolution that was apparently centered around a music festival. To be honest our local guide was not fabulous so I didn't get a great deal other than there is an awesome music festival that happens every five years. The majority of the country is Lutherean but apparently this music festival is the "real religion". In the Russian crisis during the 1990's Estonia quietly regained their independence from the U.S.S.R. I think it happened during the music festival. Maybe over some items purchased back in Denmark at Christiania. 

Music Festival Site

We did learn that Estonia is very technologically advanced. Citizens don't have to sign anything. They have ID cards with PIN codes. Their voting is all done online, from home. Wouldn't MS politics have a FIELD DAY with that?!?!? Esontia actually came out of the Russian finanical crisis in good shape due to a young prime minister that studied Milton Friedman and free market economies. They still have socialism in this country but it is VERY easy to start your own company here. Juding by the blondie that pulled up in his Porsche convertable looking like something out of a J Crew catalog during our lunch today I'd say it is working well for some.

The "old town" of Estonia is supposed to be the most presevered medevil city in the world. I don't doubt that parts of it are original and it is very quaint and charming but frankly, it is a bit like "Ye Olde Town Disney" instead of a true medevil feeling. I don't want to discourage you from visiting here as it is a lovely place, just know that it can be a bit touristy. Several in our group had been to Estonia many years ago and said it was less commercial then. I guess the free markets are working....

Ye Olde Medevil Disney Square

The last thing I'll say about the land (sorry for the negativity) is that this gene pool isn't a pretty mix. I know I'm no Miss America, but sometimes you need to paint the canvas God gave you. These people don't have a brush to start painting....bless their heart. 

We head to St. Petersburg tomorrow. I'm not really sure about the wifi situation there so if you don't hear from me either assume I'm fine or call the embassy :-/

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