Friday, July 4, 2014

Arrival in Bergen

We flew to Bergen, Norway via Atlanta and Amsterdam. TSA could learn some lessons in customer service from Amsterdam. EVERY single person we encountered were kind, happy, and helpful. It may have something to do with the "crops" but seriously....the Dutch know how to make people happy in an airport and an airplane.

We arrived in Bergen to be greated by a pleasantly cool breeze and cloudy skies. After a quick transefer to our hotel, located in the city center, a few of us took off for an adventure up a funiculare to a lookout point high above the cliffs of Bergen. We were treated to stunning views of the sea village below! We took a small hike to a pond where the rain coming across the forest made us feel like we were in a magical fairy land. Seriously....we really wondered where the magical creatures were hiding!!

We followed up our hike by a visit to the harbor and quick stop at the fish market where we tried caviar (not a fan), fresh smoked salmon, and mussels that we quite simply to die for. A few of us then found a local pub for a quick afternoon IPA. 

Following dinner a group of us headed to the local grocery for meat, cheese, crackers, and libations. The locals are so very kind and pointed us in the direction of really good choices, except one cheese that resembled a sponge that none of us shall ever eat again. I'm not sure the homeless would even want it. ACK!!! We braved hurricane force winds to sit on the hotel terrace and enjoy the nignt "lights" of this area. In fact it is 11:25 pm here and it just now showing signs of waning sunlight. 

Tomorrow we'll learn more about this beautiful city by the sea. Until then it is lights out (kind of) after over 24 hours of being awake!!!

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