Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Arrival in Russia

We boarded a train in Helsinki this morning to head to St. Petersburg, Russia. I'm beginning to really like travel by train. Lots of room, the cafe car, plenty of space to walk me Sheldon Cooper!!

St. Petersburg is a BEAUTIFUL city that is known as the Northern Venice due to all the canals. There are over 70 canals and more bridges than there are days in the year. The city is close to the Baltic Sea and has 5 million residents. There is a saying that not everything that gliters is gold, but that isn't true in St. Petersburg. All that gliters IS gold! The tour director that has been with us for the whole trip is from St. Petersburg. Maria has been amazing the whole trip but she is really glowing now talking about her hometown. 

Tonight we went to a Russian Folk Show at the Royal Palace. It was AMAZING. There were Russian singers and dancers that really wowed the crowd with their talent and costumes. We even had champagne, vodka, and caviar during intermission!

I will try to blog tomorrow night but if I don't it is because I'm late getting back from viewing Swan Lake. Yep....we are getting to see Swan Lake in Russia!!!!!!!

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