Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Firenze is the very definition of retreat for me. Every single night I sit on my couch and look at my tapestry of Florence that hangs above it. I've been know to have a glass of vino, or two, close my eyes and transport myself here. I always imagine I'm sitting at a cafe in a piazza watching the people go by with the Tuscan sun hitting my face. Today I didn't have to imagine :-)

We started with a walking tour explaining mainly the Medici family history of this city. Poor Medici's were always the dukes and never the kings. Google that if you want more explanation. We also visited the Academia museum to see "The David" as it is referred to in Florence. Ladies....this man is a beauty. It never ceases to amaze me the details in this most glorious example of the genius of Michelangelo. From the veins of his hands to the furrow of his brow the details are stunning.

After that is was an afternoon of shopping. Dad... You got your Italian coupon gift that was requested :) 

I didn't take many pics today. There are some days I choose to soak in the culture and enjoy a vacation away from the camera lens. You can't record the sounds of Florence that are so wonderful and I have about 500 pictures of the duomo...NONE capture it's true beauty. Come to Florence and see for yourself! But here is one quick shot I took at my first viewing today...

And one more of me and my fav artist. We met in 2010....

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