Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Assisi, Pisa, Monticatinni Terme

We started the day in Assisi with a wonderful local guide that explained the history of the town and it's namesake better than I have heard in my previous 4 trips to this town. As most of you are aware, the current Pope chose Francis as his papal name. Pope Francis has become very popular as a healer of the Catholic faith AND showing all Christians how to live a more simple life. Last year at this time Margie and I were amazed at the unity of religions in the Holy Land. Today we learned that In 1987 Pope John Paul II held a conference of world religious leaders (not just Christian) in Assisi surrounded by the frescos of peace to encourage the world to put aside things of this world and live in harmony. I can only hope the Pope Francis will continue this dialogue in an effort to stop judgement and foster love and unity among us all. 

The theme for my 40 days of lent two days ago (yes I'm behind) was retirement. Francis came from a wealthy family. He retired from wealth and chose a profession that satisfied him 24 hours a day and not just 8. Are you satisfied from the time you wake up until the time to go to sleep? In this trip I am. Yes I must work, and I am very satisfied at work, but how can I make my life more meaningful the rest of my waking hours?

One interesting fresco in the basilica depicted the very first crèche presentation. Each year at our church the crèche is presented to the crismon tree by a very special boy or girl. This the first time I realized it is a historical gift of the Christ child to God.

Our final stop in Assisi was at the church of St Clare. She was the first woman to follow St Francis and his belief in the simple life. I have made it a goal to study her more. Kim Hanson might could teach me :-)

We continued on to a surprise visit to Pisa. There isn't much to say other than it leans! It is a beautiful town though and we were able to see it at sunset....amazing.

The hotel pic is for Marvin (we are in a small town outside of Florence) and here are his answers to questions...

1) the grass is "winter grass" to keep the soil something something something (lost in translation)
2) the Italians put multiple families in a home most Americans would put 2 people in so that is where the population is.
3) hotels in the center of the city are quite tiny. If you stay in them longer than sleeping and showering, you are touring Europe incorrectly.

St Francis giving up the fight and choosing Peace


Pisa at sunset 

The teacher salary will get you the wheels on the right

Typical european hotel. Good thing I get along with my roomie!

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